University 规则 of Conduct


  • 一经录取, a student assumes an obligation to conduct oneself in a manner compatible with the University’s functions as an educational institution. The word “student” includes all persons admitted or taking courses at 皇冠投注网, both full-time and part-time, pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies and those who attend post-secondary institutions other than 皇冠投注网 and reside in 皇冠投注网 residence halls. Students who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the University are considered “students.”
  • 皇冠投注网 学生组织 are expected to adhere to institutional 规定. Failure to do so may result in student conduct action being initiated against the group; consequently, 政策, 程序, and sanctions set forth in this section apply to 学生组织 collectively, as well as to individual students. Officers of the 学生组织 are responsible for assuring compliance of all of their members with 规定 and for representation when student conduct proceedings are initiated against the group.
  • 规则, 政策, and guidelines should be read broadly and are not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms.
  • Students living in University-owned or approved housing shall comply with residence life rules and 规定 relating to fire, 健康, 安全, and maintenance standards, as well as with the terms and conditions of the residence and board agreement. (Please see 住房 Policies & 程序.) The 规则 of Conduct and the residential life guidelines and 规定 should be construed to complement each other.
  • The 规则 of Conduct shall apply to conduct that occurs on University premises, at University sponsored activities, and to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the University community and/or the pursuit of its objectives.
  • ​Students are also responsible for the behavior of their guests. Because the actions of guests also affect members of the 皇冠投注 community, students assume responsibility for those they host.
  • The conduct of a person who is a student and an employee may be reviewed under this system, 员工行为准则, 或两个, and may be subject to sanctions in both capacities.
  • A student may be found responsible for a violation of the 规则 of Conduct if they attempt, 促进, or engage in the prohibited conduct.

Misconduct for which students may be subject to sanctions falls into the following categories:

  1. Violation of the University’s published 政策, 规定, 或者规则包括, 但不限于, 那些管理欺侮的人, 学术诚信, 违规停车, 校园征集, 骚扰, 不正当的性行为, 学生组织, or University computing 政策.
  2. 教学中断, 研究, 行政, or student conduct 程序 or other University activities, including its public functions, or other authorized activities on or off University premises.
  3. Involvement in behavior that could or does result in physical injury, destruction of University property or that of a third party, or obstruction of the normal functioning of the University property.
  4. 企图或实际盗窃, unauthorized use or 占有 of University property or the property of others, 不诚实, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University.
  5. Violation of rules governing residential units or of those 规定 and guidelines established by the individual residential units.
  6. 物理, 精神, or verbal abuse of any person or any conduct that 威胁 or endangers the 健康 or 安全 of any such person.
  7. Unauthorized entry, occupancy, or use of University facilities.
  8. Conduct that is disorderly, reckless, intimidating, lewd, indecent, or obscene.
  9. 未经授权使用, 占有, 制造业, sale or distribution of illegal drugs, 吸毒用具, or any controlled substance except as expressly permitted by law.
  10. 未经授权使用 or 占有 of explosives, 枪支, 鞭炮, 烟花, 彩弹枪, 其他武器, or dangerous chemicals on University owned or controlled property, 或使用任何此类物品, even if legally possessed, 以一种有害的方式, 威胁, 或者给别人带来恐惧.
  11. The use of any form of tobacco, nicotine or vaping/smoking device, in violation of the 皇冠投注网 Smoke/Vape/Nicotine Free Policy.
  12. Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  13. 使用, 占有, 制造业 or distribution of alcoholic beverages except as expressly permitted by law and/or 皇冠投注网 规定, 或者在公共场合醉酒.
  14. Violation of any federal, state, or municipal law.